Monday, December 30, 2013

I'm hiding out, Lord. But...if you give me a sign...

I tend to be a hermit. Seriously... I love my home. It is not big but just right. It is warm and cozy. And because my job requires that I deal with lots of different people at all ages and stages...sometimes, I find myself running away, shutting the doors, and hiding out. I don't sin too much when I am alone...I hide from Satan and his temptations. You can't tempt me if I retreat to four walls. I can just be. In Gideon's story however, Gideon was hiding from the real life-threatening evils of the oppressive Midianites.  Gideon found a good hiding spot in the mountains where he could farm in secret and protect his family.

In Sara Young's Jesus is Calling she reminds us that our desire to lead a risk free life is a form of disbelief. Ouch! In order to follow God wholeheartedly one must relinquish the tendency to play it safe. Ouch...again! Gideon was very comfortable in his safe little hiding place on the mountain...threshing his wheat and feeding his family. He was not fact, God was using that quiet mountain time to prepare him for battle. Threshing wheat gives a fellow lots of time to think...and ponder...some serious time with God.

When God does appear to Gideon...he challenges God to give him proof. This is pretty bold of Gideon...but I totally get it.  "Now...who are you and what did you say you wanted ME to do? about a sign? Just so I am totally sure it is YOU that is asking ME. Just want to make sure you have the right address..."

God must sigh. But...the fleece thing is no big deal for God. Really, I'm surprised Gideon couldn't come up with something better than the whole wet fleece, dry ground thing. God responds...but just to make totally sure Gideon asks Him to flip it...ok...this time how about dry fleece, wet ground? God sighs (my insert) and just for Gideon's reassurance He responds one more time. Demanding the extra signs was a form of unbelief. Fear just needing more confirmation. Don't you think Gideon really knew?

Don't we sometimes really know when God is prodding us? But yet we hesitate. We retreat. We go hide in our house. We ask for some visible sign to give us the push we need. He must sigh...and whisper...."Go to my words that I have revealed to you. Over and over through many stories in the Old and New Testaments and the many verses of encouragement I have revealed My love, My desires, My sacrifice, My personality....Me. My Words are calling to them, say by them and be at peace."

"Be still, and KNOW that I AM GOD; 
I will be exalted among the nations, 
I will be exalted in the earth."
  Psalm 46:10

"I will instruct you and teach you in the way you should go;
I will counsel you and watch over you." 
Psalm 32:8

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