Thursday, January 2, 2014

Never take a knife to a gun fight...well, unless you have GOD!

The Midianites were camel-riding marauders. They were desert dwelling bullies...they had been kicking sand in the face of the Israelites for a while. They were scary...and there was a bunch of 'em! God was there for His chosen people once again...when they cried out to Him. He picked his weakest man from the weakest tribe to face the enemy. So Gideon (after some convincing) gathered the troops...a whopping thirty-two thousand! God...who never does anything we expect...tells Gideon that is just too many!

Why? Because if they defeat the Midianites...they will get all puffed up thinking THEY were the ones that defeated this army. THEY are only going to be victorious because of GOD. So...Gideon announces if anyone trembles with fear...go home. Twenty-two thousand leave! Good about jumping ship. Down to ten thousand men now...Gideon is probably feeling worried but...sort of ok. Then God says...this is still too many. Uh...what?

Don't you see, Gideon? I'm fighting this battle for you. I AM your secret weapon. I'm just including you so you won't feel left out. You have a dog in this fight so you need to be IN the fight WITH ME. You have been invited to hang out with ME...GOD! This whole battle scene that I am about to reveal to you is on MY terms. I AM! I created each hair on each head...on both sides. I flooded the earth. I parted the Red Sea. I placed the stars and the moon in the sky. Your whole fleece object lesson was laughable! I created the fleece, the dew, YOU! I'm about to demonstrate my power to my people one more will be another story you can tell your children. SO, Gideon...I don't really need any men...or you. But...I want you by MY side as we go into this "battle".

After separating the men who lap with their tongues when they drink water from their hands...this army is whittled down to three hundred men. Gideon then passes out trumpets and empty jars with torches inside. Just after the guard changed...Gideon's army led by God...blew their trumpets. THEN they just sat back and simply watched as the army of Midian fell into panic and confusion...killing each other and falling back into a disorderly retreat. Not one man had to draw a sword to defeat the enemy. When God is your general and He is planning the strategy...well, it is down right amazing.

My battles are not so exciting. But I wonder why I try so hard to go to battle alone...when I have a mighty God that will defeat the enemy for me? Why do I wait to call on Him? Why am I surprised when He shows up in the most unexpected ways? God doesn't need me to fight battles for Him...or for me. He is the great 
I AM. It is a relief really. It gives me a great deal of 
peace to know that He is my defender, my protector, 
my Father...and I need not be afraid.

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