Wednesday, October 2, 2013

Government Shut Down? Not a Chance!

When reading Nehemiah chapter five...I couldn't help but think about the current situation of our own government. Today we have two parties in a stalemate, with their feet planted firmly in a face off waiting for the other to blink. We sure do need to send a Nehemiah to Washington!

Nehemiah listened to the people. They were full of complaints about their very own leaders. It seems the guys (their own countrymen) in charge were fleecing the regular fellow a pretty penny for grain and taxes. They had left slavery to become enslaved in just a different way by their own folks! When Nehemiah heard about all the injustices taking place he called a big meeting and he just told it like it was...and it wasn't pretty. The scriptures say..."They kept quiet because they had nothing to say." They had no defense for their behavior. Shame, shame, I know your name! My daddy would say Nehemiah cleaned their plow! Now the really great thing is...they recognized their sin and repented. Then they changed their ways. End of story....well, no... it gets even better. The people appointed Nehemiah governor...a nice little paid position.

Nehemiah could have just patted them on the back and given them a thumbs up with a thank you very much. But instead he worked along side of the people. He didn't take any money. He didn't try to acquire land. He led by serving. He led by being one of them. When they sweat he sweat too. When they were hungry his stomach growled.

Isn't that what Jesus did for us? He became one of us. He walked our walk. He hurt like we hurt. He was tempted like we are tempted. It was only then that He could FEEL what we feel. He didn't have to...but He knew it was the best way to relate and identify with His children. He had to know what it was really like to live a human life and suffer a human death. So when I am on my knees pouring out my grief, my fears, my joys...I know He knows. When I sigh...he gets it. When I am tired after a really long day...He understands. What joy to have such a Savior...and friend!

Washington...are you listening? Hmmm, would it be possible for you to keep quiet and have nothing to say? Maybe if you took a page out of Nehemiah (chapter 5 to be exact) and served the people...rolled up your sleeves and worked along side your people without benefits to yourselves...there is no telling what might happen! Nehemiah knew about servant leadership. Our Jesus, our Savior knew the power of a King stepping off a heavenly throne to live an earth bound life...and He did it just for you and for me.

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