Wednesday, October 23, 2013

I was committed...then just kinda...then not at all...

Don't you just love January 1st? I really do. I like to renew. I like to start over. I like that clean slate feeling...a fresh start. It is January 10th that causes me to sigh.

Perhaps you have been to a youth rally? Or a spiritual retreat? You know those "I'm gonna get right with God" moments. You have been in a secluded place with no outside worldly worries. You have immersed your heart in prayer, song, and spiritual conversations until past midnight. You head home motivated with a full heart of good intentions. The next morning at work you were convinced you must glow with His love...and you did..until the phones started ringing, the emails filled up, the world crept in and shut Him out. Before long...the busy-ness of life has pushed Him away.

When we read Nehemiah...we see just that scenario. In chapter 12 the people are praying, singing praises, and rededicating their lives to the law. In chapter 13...oops! What scripture doesn't tell us is the time frame between chapter 12 and 13. But...let me fill you in. Nehemiah has a job and a boss. After celebrating and cheering with the people...he heads home....gotta get back to work.  He stays there about twelve years before returning. When he returns...oh my! He is beside himself with frustration! Over time the people have gone right back to living just like they were before. Now when you read just want to slap your head and say,"Seriously!" Chapter 13 is about Nehemiah putting their houses back in order (literally)...he even snatched a few men bald! It's it for yourself! Chapter 13 verse 25...good stuff.

Twelve years is almost an entire lost generation. One single generation of compromise can undo the work of centuries. And remember the real purpose for this chosen few...these folks will be the kinfolk for who? That's right...God is using Nehemiah to prepare the lineage for His own Son through this chosen bunch. Gotta get these knuckleheads on the right track...

While I shake my head in wonder as I read this story...I ponder... if I can't keep a New Year's resolution for a month...what makes me think I am so very different. Why do I fall so far so fast after a weekend retreat? Perhaps we must learn to gage our spiritual walks day by day...not by highs or lows. We have to keep steady the course. This is no sprint...this is a long distance race. It is minute by minute, moment by moment, month by month...and sometimes we even might need a Nehemiah in our lives to snatch us bald!

Thank you, Father, for hanging in there with us...even when we forget to hang out with You!

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