Monday, March 24, 2014


There is nothing so awe inspiring as the twinkling of stained glass in the cathedrals of old. Consider the artistry of the thousands of tiny pieces of glass carefully chosen to create illuminating spaces. The intricacy and the labor intensive challenge of creating such a splendor is often overlooked. Imagine, if you will, the process. It begins by simply making the glass...using varieties and combinations of metallic salts, heating them to such temperatures to create the multiple colors. With the knowledge of a chemist, mind of an inventor, and the heart of an artist...they 'played' with methods and techniques for creating dazzling colors of glass.

Once the glass was made and the design was created...then began the tedious job of cutting the glass and putting the pieces together like an intricate puzzle. It was a craft that required the artist to conceive a design that must fit snugly into the space for which it was made, must resist wind and rain...and it had to support its own weight. Many windows have withstood the test of time and still remain intact today. The purpose for the window was not to allow those inside to see out...or to admit light...but rather to control the light. 

Today the labor is not so intensive...we are not so patient. Even still the designing and creating of an original stain glass window for a church today is expensive and the process continues to be tedious. 

SO...what is the point to all this information? Are you ready? Hang on...because this is so smack dab incredible! Check out the designs below. The first design is the famous South Rose stained glass window from the cathedral of Notre Dame in Paris, France. The light begins in the middle and radiates out. This masterpiece was designed by Jean de Chelles and Pierre de Montreuil. It was a gift from the king Saint Louis. 

The next design...a cross section of human DNA! Our Father...well, He spoke it...and it was! Each strand is unique! Hmmmm is it just me or do they favor? The pondering question for today...

Do you think the Master designer created the vision of the artist in the artist...that He created? Ponder that, my friends.... 

Rose Window Notre Dame

Human DNA

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