Thursday, March 6, 2014

God's Masterpiece

Michelangelo's creation from the Sistine Chapel 

God is the ultimate divine artist, scientist, inventor, and creator. Can you even imagine it? Thinking thoughts, speaking your vision into being...our human minds cannot fathom it. Pondering on the beauty, the humor, the complexity, and the perfection of it all is more than we can take in. Consider the beauty of the atmosphere in a West Texas sunset, the Northern Lights, full moons, ocean waves, crystal clear lakes and waterfalls. Think on the simple beauty of a daisy...or a tulip...the elegant beauty of a rose. Chuckle when you visualize God stretching the neck of a giraffe or the nose of the elephant. How He must have delighted in clothing some in stripes and others with spots or vibrant colors. Imagine how He constructed the universe to be interdependent down to the most intricate cell...designing it all to be unique yet connected.

But the absolutely most amazing thing is that in His final act of creation He designed be in the image of Him! He wanted His children to resemble Him. He gave us some of His DNA. We are the only beings He created that can think logically, reason, create, design, invent, converse...evaluate, debate. Oh, I know what you are thinking...those apes are pretty smart. They communicate. Animals do communicate with each other...but humans are the only creations designed to communicate with God. Isn't that simply incredible? He wants a relationship with us...His children He designed to be in His image. Hopefully, we reflect the family resemblance. I pray that when others see my spirit and my character they recognize I am the daughter of The Father. We are His masterpiece...His glory!

Michelangelo's David

There are two methods in the process of is additive and the other is subtractive. When working with clay the sculptor adds bits of clay and works it into the piece. Then using tools to scrape, shape, and mold the clay, it becomes what the sculptor sees in his minds eye. The subtractive process is much different. It is the chipping away of the rock to reveal the vision of the artist. When Michelangelo sculpted the statue of David from marble he stated (I'm paraphrasing...) "I saw David in the marble and I carved until I set him free." 

Scripture refers to us as the clay...and our Lord, Our Father as the potter or the artist. He is constantly adding or chipping away at our beings to set us finally design us to be all He envisions. It is painful...but always useful. To take the analogy one step further...before the clay pot can be useful or complete it must endure the kiln and the firing. Chipping and firing are no fun! The firing strengthens the pot and without it the vessel would be useless. The final results...each piece is unique. Some are elegant, others are simple...all are precious to The Father...after all He created

Isaiah 64:8 
...O Lord, you are the Father. 
We are the clay, you are the Potter; 
we are all the work of your hand.

Jeremiah 18:6 clay in the hand of the Potter, so are you in my hand...

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