Saturday, March 22, 2014

The Grand Weaver

God's tapestry...His divine and amazing plan for His world...His children...unfolds for us through His Word. His is the Grand Weaver. There is a divine design for human kind there an individual plan for each of us? Does He have a plan for me? How do I fit into the Grand Weaver's masterpiece? As I write these is a relief to me that He is the weaver...and I am not. He sees the threads of my life and works them neatly into His masterpiece. What know that His hands are working my threads! 

Saori...Japanese free-form weaving
There is a Japanese method of weaving called Saori...a method of free weaving. Saori encourages people to do what only a human being can do that a machine be spontaneous, be create one's own rules of beauty. It values each person's individuality as it expresses itself in each moment. No two weavings are alike. Further, mistakes are not avoided...loose threads, skipped threads, irregular fringes, and inserted bits of yarn or other materials all add to the organic liveliness, the "human-ness" of the creative art. If God created us in His image...the ability to create separates us from all other beings. The Grand Weaver then takes our individually designed patches and weaves them into the master tapestry...with other threads that are interwoven and entwined making connections with other patches! I can almost visualize God smiling as He sees generations of connectedness...maybe even pointing to a patch saying to an angel..."See those two's two...but it is two patches so tightly woven together they appear as one...they have been husband and wife for 62 years..." Can't you just imagine the stories in the threads?

Sometimes a weave becomes loosened, or some threads can become stressed by too much threads can be woven into old patterns...some threads are weak. All can cause a thread to break. The weaver then must stop and repair the broken thread to prevent it from weakening the entire fabric. This process takes time. The weaver must tie off  the broken thread and then tie another thread into the broken piece. When the process is complete the broken thread is stronger than ever before. What a reminder to us that only through our brokenness do we become strong...we don't like it. It hurts. It takes time to repair. But our Grand Weaver can repair our brokenness. He can weave in recovery. We become stronger. doubt when you see the backside of the tapestry you will see plenty of knots and loose threads. The back of the tapestry shows the messy scars of life. But the final front design of the so unique and so perfect it will take our breath away!

I don't have to know what my tapestry will look like...I trust the Grand Weaver. With the threads of my life in His Hands...I know the results will be more than I could ever have imagined!

Psalm 139:13-15

For you created my inmost being;
you knit me together in my mother's womb.

I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made;
your works are wonderful,
I know that full well.

My frame was not hidden from you
when I was made in the secret place.
When I was woven together in the depths of the earth,
your eyes saw my unformed body.

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