Friday, March 28, 2014

The Master Potter

 There are multiple verses in The Word that refer the potter. We have often thought of God as the potter and his children are the be shaped and molded by our Father. However, the analogies run much deeper than the initial obvious. Understanding the nature of 'throwing a pot' helps to understand the complete imagery of the many layers of the Christian walk. 

The potter begins with a formless lump of clay. Sometimes he has a clear picture of what he plans for the clay to become...other times he allows the piece to form, grow and change as his vision shifts with the clay. Either way it is the hands of the potter that holds the shape of the clay. It is  the pressure of his palms, fingers, and thumbs that pulls and tugs the shape. The steady pressure...creates the shape. I have "thrown" a pot or is during this step that I often lost control of the clay as it began to sway on the wheel. If the potter does not keep the hands steady and the pressure consistent the clay begins to wobble and the clay become useless...only to begin again. What a blessing that with the Master Potter we are in good, steady hands. 

It is important that the potter keeps the clay clean and free of air bubbles. Both will destroy the pot in the kiln where the pot will endure a firing. After the vessel is placed in a kiln at high temperatures. This process strengthens the pottery. Firing produces irreversible changes in the body. It is only after firing that the clay becomes pottery. The physical, chemical and mineral properties are greatly altered by the firing...strengthening the material. 

Isn't it the same with us? We are shaped by the pressures of life and how we react and respond to that pressure. Certainly, at different points in my own life I have learned much about the 'firing' process. It changes you. Perspective changes, hearts are broken, relationships damaged, and beliefs are questioned. You will never be the same...but stronger. Wow...just wow! 

There is a Japanese custom that I admire. We could learn a thing or two from our Japanese friends. When they discover a crack in a piece of pottery the damage is repaired with pure gold. They believe when something has suffered and has a history it becomes more beautiful. 

Another expressed it beautifully...only through cracked pots do we see The Light. I don't know about you...but I am feeling better about being a cracked pot! 

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