Saturday, January 11, 2014

What are they saying behind your back?

There is a little section about Gideon that I don't want to overlook. God tells Gideon that He will deliver the Midianites into his hands...but God realizes Gideon is still in need of a bit of He tells Gideon to take his servant Phurah, head on down and check out what the Midianites are saying. Now listen to this...the Bible gives us such imagery. The Bible says the Midianites and the Amalekites lay along the valley like grasshoppers for the multitudes, their camels were without number, as the sand by the sea. In plain Texas talk...there's a bunch of 'em! Now Gideon and a few of his boys are sneaking around listening...and he hears a Midianite fellow telling his buddy about a bad dream he had...and the buddy explains to him he must have been dreaming about Gideon, the son of Joash...remember the Asher earned puny Gideon a big bad reputation! They are scared to death of him. They are having nightmares about HIM. This is all Gideon needed...just that little push of encouragement to get him going. He stood up a little taller, puffed his chest out, and without hesitation said...Let's go get 'em, boys! (Texas style...I can't help myself)

We must never doubt the power of our words for good or for bad. As a teacher I witness often how the turn of a phrase or a tone can break a spirit. Encouraging words and words of affirmation can be so powerful...and plant a seed in a heart. Have you ever been walking by and overhead a conversation about you...they had no idea you were listening? Don't you lean in to hear a little better....holding your breath hoping it will be good? What if you hear something fabulous? Maybe someone exaggerates your abilities. Doesn't it just make you want to be as fabulous as they believe you are? So inside you are grinning from ear to stand a little taller...maybe you walk away whistling or humming a tune. You try a little want to be all they believe you can be!

Let's promise each other that we will be cheerleaders for one another. We will strive to be encouragers...believing in each other...expecting the best. Youngsters yearn for it. Middle schoolers (that weird age) are desperate to feel appreciated and noticed. High schoolers are hungry for adulthood....hungering for someone to recognize their strengths, their talents, their gifts, their possibilities. Young parents need to hear they are doing a lot right. Exhausted parents of teens need an encouraging word coupled with a pat on the back or hug. The elderly just want someone to be acknowledge they existed and achieved....somebody to remember they weren't always so wrinkled and slow. So when someone hears me talking about them behind their back....they should walk away...a little taller...with a lighter step and a song in their heart. From my mouth...never should be heard a discouraging word! (It's that Texas thang...)

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