Wednesday, January 22, 2014

What I have learned from Gideon...

God calls us when HE is ready. I will never be strong enough, good enough, or wise enough...but God is. He will decide what to do with me. With God I am enough.

God prepares me and uses my abilities. God used Gideon's quiet years in the cave to prepare his heart for leadership. He plunked a boy from a herd of sheep to teach him how to use a sling shot on predators...preparing him to slay a giant. Spiritual giants spent lots of quiet time in communion with their Lord. He placed a baby in a a allow a young man to see up close and personal both sides of an Egyptian/Israelite struggle. He used a barn, a feed trough, and two wide eyed young people to provide for the birth of a King...a Savior for all humankind.  He prepares us for His use in the most unexpected ways. Don't ever underestimate what our God is planning for your life!

God uses the weak. God uses us in spite of our limitations. God uses us even when we fail. I am convinced that God loves surprises. What joy it must bring Him to see His weakest child overcome the strong. With God there are no limitations. Failure is only practice for getting it right...He lifts us up. He dusts us off and helps us straighten our shoulders. He emboldens us to try again...this time relying more on Him than ourselves. He rejoices when we get it right...knowing we have finally figured it out. We need HIM. He is our strength.

Finally, even the strong can fall...and they will without God. Over and over we see the Israelites slide back into sin. Sometimes when we read the Word we scratch our heads in wonder. Why didn't they get it? How dumb can you be? But...we are so much like them. The Evil One is never blatant. Evil never comes knocking boldly on your door announcing himself. He sneaks in. He pretends to be a friend. He is the giver of lovely gifts. He wraps lies in truth and confuses us. Without a continual walk wearing our spiritual armor we are exposed to the flaming arrows of Satan.

Finally, be strong in the Lord and in His mighty power. Put on the full armor of God so that you can take your stand against the devil's schemes. Ephesians 6:10

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