Thursday, January 30, 2014

God's BIG Plan!

A couple of springs ago we were blessed to be able to go to Paris, France on a dream trip. Monet has always been one of my favorite artists so I was thrilled to be able to see his original works. To my disappointment I was a little bit underwhelmed. When examined closely his paintings seemed a little sloppy to me. The colors were beautiful but his technique felt lacking…until...we were told that we were to back away from the paintings and take in the whole work. Monet's masterpieces were never meant to be closely examined but to be viewed from some distance allowing the viewer to take in the whole…not the details. It was only then that you could see the ebb and flow, the meshing of the colors, the design and the breathtaking beauty of his works. I think it must be a little like that for us when we try to consider God’s plan. We are living up close in our personal space…but God is smiling because what we view as a sloppy mess…He sees the whole of it…and it is beautiful. 

It might be a little like finding one piece of a thousand piece puzzle. One puzzle piece is  just this random mixture of colors that means nothing apart from the whole. God’s BIG plan is so much bigger than us. He designed His plan long before creation! The Word tells us even the angels were unaware. Prophets and kings of the Old Testament mention ‘the mystery’…they knew that God was planning something big…but what? Who really could have imagined it? God knew…always…He would create and we would destroy. He knew from the beginning He would hand pick a special group of people to create a bloodline for The King. He always knew He would become part of own His creation experiencing birth, life, and death. He knew His plan would never exclude anyone but included all…Israelites and Gentiles...everyone. 

God’s BIG plan has never been about just ME…but about saving the whole world. I am just a small piece of a magnificent puzzle designed by the creator Himself. is the really exciting part…as long as this old world is spinning on its axis God’s plan is still evolving. The BIG Plan is not complete. More mysteries will be revealed when He returns…and takes us home with Him. Can you even imagine it? When that final puzzle piece is dropped into place…and we back up to absorb the majesty of His design. It will surely take our breath away as we fall on our knees with humility to be in the presence of our Lord, our King…our Father.

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